Friday, September 4, 2009



The most common and general way of classifying communication is to see it as verbal or non verbal.
1. Non-Verbal Communication: This involves the use of non-words to communicate. There are three types of Non-Verbal communication.
a. Body Language: e.g Facial Expression, gestures, postures, clothing, artifacts e.t.c)
b. Paralanguage e.g hisses, whistling
c. Distance. e.g
2. Verbal Communication: This involves the use of words or language symbols which are
assumed to have common meanings to all the participants in the communication process.
The use of language in communication becomes very important in so far as it is unique to human beings.


Distance and Communication: The space we inhabit may also be used in communication likewise the distance maintained by people in different situations carry meanings as does the behaviour.

When people are in close contact, they see each other's entire body so relationship and communication are formal. This is called public distance which is 12 feet and beyond.

Social Distance occurs when people are from four feet to twelve feet. This distance is used for business and more formal personal interactions.

The third category is known as Personal Distance. This ranges between eighteen inches to four feet. Here people maintain personal relationships which may range from close to cool. When people enter this range, they begin to approach each other on personal terms.

The Fourth Category is referred to as Intimate Distance. Here we feel as though the other person is contacting us physically even though the person may not be touching us. It ranges from zero to eighteen inches.
Note that within intimate distance, people may experience flight to flight response. This means they respond to hostility, fight or move away flight. Another option is to embrase, hug, kiss, dance e.t.c Intimate distance is so close that people have difficulty allowing people to exist within that space without relating to them.