Friday, August 21, 2009



The relationship between language and thought is not very clear. It is sometimes argued that Language comes before thought and for some people thoughts come before language.

Language can be said to come before thought because thinking cannot occur without a language. On the other hand, thought can be said to come before language because if people don't think, they will never have a language to think about. All in all, it is generally believed that language facilitates thought. In other words, languages help people to think and without language people wouldn't think and so language and thought are interrelated.

Language is very important in human communication. According to Longman dictionary of contemporary English, language is " the system of human expression by means of words".

Gimson ( 1980) defines language as a system of conventional signals used for communication by a whole community.

Language can simply be defined as the human use of spoken or written words as a communication system.

1. language is used by human beings to communicate ideas, facts, feelings, beliefs and predisposition among themselves
2. Language helps people to understand each other.
3. Language is used to transfer knowledge

There are four language skills needed in communication.
a. Speaking
b. Writing
These two skills are referred to as Expressive or productive language skills

c. Listening
d. Reading
These two skills are referred to as receptive language skills

It is important to note that in the process of communication, the expressive skills takes precedence over the receptive skills. This is because, the speaker or writer starts the communication. The listener or reader will definitely have nothing to listen or read if the speaker or writer has not transmitted any message.

1. It employs the vocal-auditory channel for which the human anatomy and physiology seem most specialized
2. It is passed from one person to another by learning and its stability is ensured through correction from parents, teachers, peers etc.
3. It is not limited to mere self expression; rather its regular use tends to produce effects on behaviour.
4. It consists of rules of reference which speakers agree upon.
5. There is relationship between content and means of expression
6. Language is organized hierarchically by combining words into syntactic structures or sentences, paragraphs, longer passages, etc.
7. It is creative

1. Language is a means of understanding reality and passing understanding others
2. Language is used for commerce
3. Language is a tool for governance and administration
4. Language is used for cultural promotion and social control
5. Language is used for religious purposes
6. Language is used to promote International cooperation and friendship

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